Support For Semiconductor Technologies

To see JAVA Applets of semiconductor devices ( LINK )

Applications for: Data Mining - Data Analysis - Report Making
GPAD is a bundle of applications including database access and data analysis. The application is designed to access Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and mariaDB databases. Access and Excel files are also supported depending on your Java Runtime Environment JRE. The application is continuously updated for newer and improved functionalities. GPAD is available for:
  • Java Runtime Environment JRE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • custom JRE-10 and custom JRE-11.

  • GPAD with custom-JRE option does not need installed JRE in your computer. A custom JRE is downloaded along GPAD. For more information consult the manual (manual , flier).

    Below is a list of versions available. For more information select the version that meets your needs:
  • GPAD for read (select) privilege

  • GPAD for read (select) and write (insert) privilege

  • GPAD for general use including read (select) and write (insert) privilege

  • Analysis tools

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